Early Intervention
Early intervention services of G-Care are the very special services provided to infants & toddler who are at risk of developmental delays and disabilities. They are aimed to identify and meet children’s needs, in different areas of development such as:
- Physical
- Cognitive
- Communication
- Sensory Integration
- Social
- Emotional
- Adaptive Skills

Early intervention can change a child's developmental path and improve the outcomes for children, families and communities. Detecting and acting early, give the child a chance to receive appropriate and timely therapies that may help him or her to gain normalcy or limit further intensification and live a happy life.

Inclusive Education at Chennai Champs International Montessori Preschool
Inclusive Montessori Programs at Chennai Champs ensure that all children participate, learn and develop in the same environment, that supports their individual strengths and interests.
G-care emphatically states that, children with special needs cannot be EXCLUDED. Neither can they be SEGREGATED or ISOLATED from the rest of the children. Many schools adopt INTERGRATION, for those children who manage to adapt to the existing environment.
But, G-care provides an INCLUSIVE set up which goes beyond and includes students with delays and disabilities as valued members, in the same general, educational learning environment, under the responsibility of the class teacher.
Children are placed in the regular classrooms, on the basis of age, regardless of their delay or disability. Individual support is also given to the child without pull out sessions.
Special Education
Holistic Development Plan (HDP)
Individualized Educational Plan (IEP)
Individualized Family services plan (IFSP)
drafted by the team
Updated tools and Strategies to implement th eplans

School support services
Depending on the child’s need, G-Care provides
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Physio Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Sensory Integration

Parent Support

- Counselling
- Parenting Workshops.
- Parent Wellness Programs
- Parent Awareness Session
- Behaviour Management
- Family Intervention
Community programs for awareness on
- Key developmental milestones,
- Recognition of milestone delays,
- Early Intervention.